Amy and Scotty went to St. Olaf together, so it was fitting that their first photoshoot as a family of five was at the Olaf prairie. We had a perfect early fall evening, just cool enough for baby Olive’s adorable knee-highs, but warm enough for her romper that I couldn’t get enough of! Big brother Wesley and puppy Esther had a lot to explore, but between our rock and dirt excavations, we got a ton of sweet moments capturing how much this family truly seems to enjoy each other.
Highlights of the night (besides Olive’s outfit!): her scrunchy-faced smile when mom tossed her, watching Wesley give his little sister the most gentle kiss on the forehead, Esther’s enthusiasm for the smells of the arb perfectly capturing how I feel when I’m out there, getting to meet one of Minnesota’s best BBQ chefs, and observing how this entire crew is bonded together by Amy’s laid-back but ever-present guidance.
Amy and Scotty, thank you so much for inviting me into your wonderful family unit for the evening. I’m really glad to know you as Northfield neighbors, and can’t wait to say hi at the next BBQ!